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Removal and installation of door inner seals
During production, a sealant is applied to the door inner seals, which are then placed on the door flange and rolled on.
t  The removal and installation sequence is only for the right door inner seal. The removal and installation of the left door inner seal is similar.
t  When removing the seal, the sealant is distributed across the inside of the seal. The edges are bent up slightly. If the seal is then refitted, sealing and firm seating are no longer guaranteed.
t  Therefore each seal which is removed completely should be replaced by a so-called “tap-on” seal.
t  If a seal has been partially removed, squeeze sides of seal together before refitting.
–  Detach adjacent trim → General body repairs, interior; Rep. gr.70.
–  Pull door inner seal -1- off body flange.
–  Push door inner seal -1- onto body flange.
–  The door inner seal -1- must be positioned with the vulcanised point -arrow- on the body flange above the rear radius.
–  Secure detached trim → General body repairs, interior; Rep. gr.70.

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